Radical Food Geographies Book Launch

September 12, 2024

The New School, New York

Watch the launch event here.

The launch of the new edited volume “Radical Food Geographies: Power, Knowledge and Resistance” (2024 Bristol University Press), co-edited by Colleen Hammelman (CHARP Director), Charles Z. Levkoe, and Kristin Reynolds featured presentations by the book’s editors and chapter authors.

Radical Food Geographies presents critical and action-oriented approaches to addressing food systems inequities across places, spaces, and scales from around the world. With case studies from Indigenous territories, Palestine, India, South Africa, Chile, and the Guatemala/Honduras highlands, as well as the United States and Canada.

Advancing a radical food geographies praxis, the book reveals multiple forms of resistance and resurgence, and offers examples of co-creating food systems transformation through scholarship, action, and geography. In this hybrid (in-person and online) event, the co-editors introduced the book and the collective process that led to its publication, followed by short presentations by several book chapter authors and audience discussion.

The event was presented by the Food Studies Program & Food and Social Justice Action Research (FJAR) Lab at the Bachelor’s Program for Adults and Transfer Students at the Schools of Public Engagement. Co-sponsored by the Food Studies Program, Food and Social Justice Action Research (FJAR) Lab, SexTech Lab, and the Gender and Sexualities Studies Institute at The New School; Lakehead University and the Sustainable Food Systems Lab; the Charlotte Action Research Project and the Department of Earth, Environmental, and Geographical Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and The Global Studies Program, Environmental Studies Program and Urban Studies Program at The New School.

More information about the book is available here.