Dr. Brian Magi

Dr. Brian Magi

Affiliate Faculty

I am an Associate Professor of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte in the Department of Geography and Earth Sciences. My research explores air quality using low-cost air monitors, in addition to other data-oriented questions related to atmospheric and climate related phenomena. In 2015, I collaborated with CHARP and the Charlotte-based non-profit CleanAIRE NC (called “Clean Air Carolina” until 2020) to submit a proposal to the EPA National Center for Environmental Research called “AirKeepers in Charlotte, North Carolina: Investigating the Intersection of Low-Cost Portable Monitors and Community Engagement in Air Quality Science”, and while we were not awarded funding, the proposal set off what became a long-term formal collaboration with CleanAIRE NC. In 2022, I worked again with CleanAIRE NC to submit a community-science proposal to the EPA for additional work that would put air quality science into action using CBPR principles in North Carolina – our proposal is currently under review. In addition to research, I teach two courses per semester on topics such as global environmental change, air quality, atmospheric chemistry, statistical methods, and climate dynamics. My teaching, research, and service collectively provide a great foundation to explore environmental science topics with students and non-academic professionals.