Easter Weekend in Farm Pond

On Saturday 4/7, the energy was alive in Farm Pond! There were two events that occurred–one was a cleanup, and the other was an Easter event, both of which took place at the Eaglewoods Apartments clubhouse. UNC Charlotte undergrads (Courtney Hathaway, ‎Madelyn Riddleberger, Stafford Farmer, and Joshua Marks) joined Farm Pond neighbors and volunteers, as well as the property manager, Jorge Montoya, and myself (Community Liaison Sheree Harper) to clean up around the neighborhood. The motivation and genuine interest for the cleanup stemmed from wanting to visually strengthen the neighborhood and build upon relationships.

The Easter event followed the cleanup event and many residents showed up and celebrated with smiles and laughter. There were over 25 residents, including adults and children, plus three police officers (including Officers Henderson Kimble), who participated in this exciting event. The event started with an Easter egg hunt for the young children, while parents, family members, and volunteers observed with delight. After the festivities, residents came together, enjoyed some food, and interacted with one another. Both events were successes because they embodied CHARP’s goals of building capacity and strengthening relationships.