Using CBPR to Highlight Tenant Experiences in Corporate Landlord Housing
Throughout the Spring 2023 semester, Dr. Michelle Zuñiga’s Qualitative Methods in Geography class conducted a community based participatory research (CBPR) with Action NC, a local non-profit focused on economic and housing justice in Charlotte, NC. From the first week of class onwards, graduate students in the class worked closely with Jessica Moreno, Action NC’s Organizing Director, […]

Collaborating to take on food retail disparities
UNC Charlotte is building on its action research legacy to partner university researchers with community leaders to solve the region’s systemic challenges around inequity. As part of this initiative, the University’s Office of Urban Research and Community Engagement is joining Mecklenburg County to lead a seven-month, collaborative initiative to find a sustainable, equitable and economically […]

A new documentary illuminates the real Hidden Valley neighborhood
If all you know of Hidden Valley is news stories and TV shows about gangs, you might picture the neighborhood as a crime hotspot — and little more. But the reality for the neighborhood’s thousands of residents is much richer, more complex and varied than popular media accounts. That’s what Barbara Pinson Lash, a longtime […]

Bonnie E. Cone Professorship in Civic Engagement
On Tuesday, October 23, 2018, Dr. Janni Sorensen has been awarded with the Bonnie E. Cone Professorship in Civic Engagement. This prestigious recognition was established in 2017 and is awarded annually to a tenured member of the faculty whose teaching and/or research embody the University’s commitment to civic involvement, and whose work profoundly and systematically […]

Greater Enderly Park residents fight back against real estate speculation
Activists in Greater Enderly Park have taken a stand and action against real estate speculators in their community. Drawing on tactical urbanism and resistance, they have altered the signs placed along Tuckaseegee to send a message to speculators that they are not welcome.

Groundwork documentary presentation shows the power of individuals
The Media Mobilizing Project presented Groundwork: Justice in the Birthplace of America at the opening of the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability Conference in Charlotte. The event was a huge success that invited UNC Charlotte faculty and students, community organization representatives, and neighborhood residents to explore how people are standing up for social justice in […]
Youth make connections between health and community planning
Jamese Pinkston of CHARP led a group of 12 youth through a discussion about the importance of health in community planning. Youth worked with facilitators from Stratford Richardson YMCA as well as CHARP members and associates. Carolina Health System’s Department of Family Medicine also acted as a partner and faciliatators of the workshop. Youth discussed […]
Chancellor’s Diversity Grant Sends Faculty and Students to Dismantling Racism Workshops
Funds from the UNCC Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund paid for 12 students and faculty to attend the Dismantling Racism workshop sponsored by Race Matters for Juvenile Justice. The entire CHARP team attended and we invited colleagues from an assortment of disciplines to attend. The feedback from attendees was awesome and we hope to secure funds […]
Enderly Park Neighborhood Safety Audit Report for CES4Health
The following report is our submission to CES4Health detailing the Neighborhood Safety Audit conducted in the Enderly Park neighborhood of Charlotte, NC. Our extensive partnership with this neighborhood resulted in a process of understanding safe and unsafe spaces in this community and building the capacity to address safety issues in the Enderly Park area. The […]
CHARP presents at Urban Affairs 2015
Cache Owens and Tara Bengle presented their research at the 2015 Urban Affairs Conference in Miami. The presentations were well-received and garnered excellent feedback that we can incorporate to upcoming research articles and organizing efforts to support our partner neighborhoods. Cache presented Neighborhood Safety Interventions: Treating Symptoms or Transforming Community? Tara presented Participatory Action Research: […]