Enderly Park

Greater Enderly Park residents fight back against real estate speculation
Activists in Greater Enderly Park have taken a stand and action against real estate speculators in their community. Drawing on tactical urbanism and resistance, they have altered the signs placed along Tuckaseegee to send a message to speculators that they are not welcome.
Enderly Park Neighborhood Safety Audit Report for CES4Health
The following report is our submission to CES4Health detailing the Neighborhood Safety Audit conducted in the Enderly Park neighborhood of Charlotte, NC. Our extensive partnership with this neighborhood resulted in a process of understanding safe and unsafe spaces in this community and building the capacity to address safety issues in the Enderly Park area. The […]
The Greater Enderly Park Women’s Safety Audit
Throughout the semester, CHARP, UNCC students, and Enderly Park residents have worked on the Greater Enderly Park Women’s Safety Audit. The Women’s Safety Audit is an organizing tool to bring residents together to make neighborhoods safer for women and children in neighborhoods. Residents walk their neighborhood and talk about safe and unsafe spaces in their […]
Women’s Safety Audit Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund event allows students to present their work
The Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Fund event on March 26th was a big success. The event began with a presentation by Cache Owens explaining the Women’s Safety Audit process and partnership with Greater Enderly Park. She would subsequently present this discussion at the Urban Affairs Conference in Miami. The guests and students from GEOG 2000 presented […]
Butterfly Highway features at the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability
Angel Hjarding took part in the Integrated Network for Social Sustainability (INSS) held in Charlotte and organized by UNCC faculty including Robby Boyer (Geography) and Nicole Peterson (Anthropology). She led a group of conference attendees on a tour of Enderly Park in an effort to count butterflies and explain the importance of biodiversity in support […]
Poster Presentations from GEOG 2000
Dr. Sorensen’s GEOG 2000 finished up their semester this week. The class worked with three neighborhoods: College Downs, Enderly Park, and Graham Heights. The students researched the issues related to each neighborhood and performed service and outreach in the neighborhoods to learn more about each issue. The products of this semester are below in the […]
First Neighborhood Campus Forum is a grand success
Our first Neighborhood Campus Forum brought our neighborhood partners together with faculty and students on UNC Charlotte’s main campus. Residents from Reid Park, Enderly Park, and Graham Heights spoke about the issues and research questions that impact their quality of life and sought partners on campus to help them answer these questions. Faculty and students […]
Enderly Park Earth Day Celebration
Enderly Park residents and students worked together to put on an informative and fun day related to recycling, conservation, and taking better care of our planet. Booths at the Bette Rae Thomas Center focused on making art out of recyclable materials, identifying what can be recycled in Charlotte, composting, spoken word, and improving communication throughout […]

Enderly Park Community Garden Dedication and Neighborhood Clean-up
On April 28th the Enderly Park Neighborhood unveiled its new Community Garden Space at the Bette Rae Thomas Recreation Center. The Community Garden is in a unique open air, 4 walled area that maximizes available space at the recreation center. The Enderly Park Neighborhood Association, the Charlotte Action Research Project (CHARP), Project Safe Neighborhoods (PSN) […]
Easter egg hunts bring out the neighborhood
Dueling Easter egg hunts in Enderly Park and Graham Heights brought out children and neighbors. Both events were well-attended and Graham Heights celebrated their first Easter egg hunt by staging it at Ms. Johnson’s house. The Graham Heights residents were thrilled with the turnout and the involvement of UNCC students.