Reid Park

Urban Renewal
Urban renewal in the West Boulevard on The Charlotte post…

Keeping Watch – Reid Park’s history with Irwin and Stewart Creek
PlanCharlotte has conducted an incredible, in-depth history of Charlotte’s creek and waterway system as part of their Keeping Watch series. The site discusses each important creek in Charlotte and its complex history filled with good memories and abuse that have shaped how we see and enjoy the creeks today. Of special interest is the piece […]
First Neighborhood Campus Forum is a grand success
Our first Neighborhood Campus Forum brought our neighborhood partners together with faculty and students on UNC Charlotte’s main campus. Residents from Reid Park, Enderly Park, and Graham Heights spoke about the issues and research questions that impact their quality of life and sought partners on campus to help them answer these questions. Faculty and students […]
Arthur Pryer’s Thesis concerning comparisons of public facility quality in Charlotte, NC
Arthur Pryer, a two-year graduate student liaison, has completed and defended his master’s thesis. The thesis focused on comparing the public park facilities enjoyed by Dilworth and Reid Park. The comparisons look at the socioeconomic conditions around the parks as well as comparing the history and quality of the facilities. Congratulations to Artie. His thesis […]
Habitat for Humanity reaches two milestones
Habitat for Humanity in Charlotte is nearing $5 million invested in Reid Park at the same time it is reaching its 30th anniversary. It is certainly a time for reflection and for looking at what the future holds for Habitat and for Reid Park. Habitat milestones
New Central Park proposal presented in Reid Park
In a collaborative effort with Geography and Urban Design master’s student Dylan McKnight, the Reid Park Neighborhood Association has created a new general plan for the creation of a central park as well as other amenties in Reid Park. The plan was presented to Reid Park residents, Parks & Recreation staff, and other dignitaries at […]
Reid Park and Graham Heights honored at the Neighborhood Leadership Awards
At the end of October, the City of Charlotte hosted the first annual Neighborhood Leadership Awards. The Charlotte Action Research Project’s (CHARP) neighborhood partner, the Reid Park Neighborhood Association won the Neighborhood Improvement Award. The award recognizes a neighborhood association that has shown a commitment to enhancing the aesthetics and safety of their neighborhood. CHARP […]
Reid Park wins the Neighborhoods in Creative pARTnership Grant
Reid Park recently received the Neighborhoods in Creative pARTnership Grant presented by the Arts & Science Council, the City of Charlotte, and the Public Art Commission. The grant enables Reid Park residents the opportunity to create public art that is neighborhood-based, or art that is specific to the neighborhood where the art will be placed. […]
CHARP’s engagement with Reid Park garners Inside UNC Charlotte story
CHARP’s long-term relationship with Reid Park features on the most recent edition of Inside UNC Charlotte. The service learning started by Dr. Janni Sorensen and the community capacity-building of Tara Bengle, Liz Shockey Morrell, and Artie Pryer with Reid Park has culminated in a new park design created by Reid Park residents for their central […]

“Let’s Build a Playground” in Reid Park
“Let’s Build a Playground” brought out familiar and new faces to celebrate the KaBOOM! playground that Reid Park residents and children will design and build on October 13, 2012. Residents and community partners enjoyed a cookout–thanks to Mecklenburg County Park and Rec for providing the grills and tables. Most importantly, children got excited learning about […]