Graham Heights
Residents of Graham Heights and UNC Charlotte students worked together to clean up the streets of Graham Heights and rewarded themselves with a block party for the neighborhood. The event was a big success and residents were able to meet new neighbors. The event also shared information and research gathered by the students regarding the […]
Dr. Sorensen’s GEOG 2000 finished up their semester this week. The class worked with three neighborhoods: College Downs, Enderly Park, and Graham Heights. The students researched the issues related to each neighborhood and performed service and outreach in the neighborhoods to learn more about each issue. The products of this semester are below in the […]
Our first Neighborhood Campus Forum brought our neighborhood partners together with faculty and students on UNC Charlotte’s main campus. Residents from Reid Park, Enderly Park, and Graham Heights spoke about the issues and research questions that impact their quality of life and sought partners on campus to help them answer these questions. Faculty and students […]
At the end of October, the City of Charlotte hosted the first annual Neighborhood Leadership Awards. The Charlotte Action Research Project’s (CHARP) neighborhood partner, the Reid Park Neighborhood Association won the Neighborhood Improvement Award. The award recognizes a neighborhood association that has shown a commitment to enhancing the aesthetics and safety of their neighborhood. CHARP […]

Residents of Graham Heights and UNCC students from Mu Tau Beta, an honor society for counseling professionals, hit the streets in support of The Great American Clean-up. We greatly appreciate the efforts of all of our volunteers. The weather held up and we made Graham Heights a beautiful place to be.
Check this article by Liz Bertrand from CrossroadsCharlotte. She talks about Graham Heights’ most recent event: The Spring Festival Block Party.
The First Graham Heights Spring Festival Block Party was a massive success. Held on Saturday May 19th, the event brought over 200 of Graham Heights’ residents out to hear two great step bands, win gift cards for EnergyStar appliances from Lowe’s, and enjoy great food and fellowship. The gift cards for the appliances were provided […]
Graham Heights residents celebrated when it was announced their neighborhood had the 2nd-most representatives at the 2nd Annual Northwest Corridor Community Day and Community Leadership Institute. The Graham Heights Neighborhood Association received $100 for the accolade. They thoroughly enjoyed the event and were thrilled to take home 2nd prize.
The Graham Heights Neighborhood Association had a big day and evening on August 7th. Members of the Graham Heights went on a tour of the stunning topiary gardens of Pearl Fryar outside of Bishopville, SC ( 104 people were on the tour and 20 of those people were from Graham Heights. Ms. Queen and Ms. […]
Graham Heights held a successful fish fry out front of the Crystal Reggae Club Saturdy. The event raised funds in support of their neighborhood matching grant for neighborhood identification signs. The gentlemen of the neighborhood fried whiting and croaker while the ladies baked a variety of cakes for sale. Residents of Graham Heights, young and […]
The Bank of America at Concordia and Graham has been closed. Driving through the neighborhood, I saw it with my own eyes for the first time. Below are articles about this particular closing and an earlier article that discusses Bank of America closing branches in communities that are well below its county’s median household income. […]
Dueling Easter egg hunts in Enderly Park and Graham Heights brought out children and neighbors. Both events were well-attended and Graham Heights celebrated their first Easter egg hunt by staging it at Ms. Johnson’s house. The Graham Heights residents were thrilled with the turnout and the involvement of UNCC students.
Here’s a recent news story about this Fall’s Graham Heights Neighborhood Clean-Up. Charlotte Observer Article Source: Thornton, Lisa. “Bringing Beauty to Graham Heights.” Lake Norman News. 23 October 2011. 16 November 2011.

Enjoy pictures of the Final Presentation of the Community Planning Workshop on their work with the Windy Ridge and Graham Heights neighborhood.

Graham Heights Holiday Party mixes food, fun, and games. Thank you to all of our guests who came to the meeting. A special thank you to County Commissioner George Dunlap for attending.
Graham Heights was recently awarded a Power 2 Live Green Grant by the City of Charlotte. The grant provides for 40 free home energy audits to Graham Heights residents. Along with the audits, Energy Wise Solutions will also perform small home improvements designed to save residents money on their heating and cooling bills. The audits […]
Graham Heights received a $500 A.C.T. for their upcoming Spring Festival Block Party. A big thank-you to Crossroads Charlotte and the Foundation for the Carolinas for their support of the event. The Graham Heights Neighborhood Association hopes this event will bring people across all age groups and backgrounds together within the community to build human […]